Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Heart & Love

"Every person in the world has a heart

Every heart has a place within
that wants only to love and be loved"

I've been thinking a lot about the HEART lately...sounds silly I know,
Isn't it weird that everything that has to do with love comes back to the symbol of the heart?!?!!

The average human heart beats 72 times a minute, 100,000 times a day and about 35 million times a year. During an average lifetime, the human heart will beat more than 2.5 billion times. Every day, the heart creates enough energy to drive a truck 20 miles. In a lifetime, that is equivalent to driving to the moon and back. The heart does the most physical work of any muscle.

I just think it's interesting that the heart is the one organ that has to work the hardest and is also the one organ that like I said above symbolizes LOVE!
The conclusion that I have come to is this: JUST LIKE THE HEART, LOVE TAKES WORK!
A lot of work!
It's tough stuff to love! It's hard at times to communicate, to listen, to be there in times of need. It's hard to get past in-differences, arguments and frustrations.
It's hard to be selfless!
It's hard but it's necessary.
Given the heart's arduous task of supplying the body with blood every day, it must be well taken care of. LOVE NEEDS TO BE WELL TAKEN CARE OF. A heart that is improperly cared for may develop heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death among Americans.
A LOVE that isn't well taken care of will eventually suffer complications and in some cases death.
There are known things that help prevent heart disease...weight loss, exercise, medical treatment, etc. There are also known things that we need to do to prevent "Love Disease"...SERVICE, COMMUNICATION, RESPECT, TRUST, SELFLESSNESS, etc.

I guess the reason I am posting this is because it was the number one thing that I saw as a missionary working among all different types of people in all different circumstances. I feel like the world is forgetting how to love.
I too am guilty of this.
"A friend loveth at ALL times" Proverbs 17:17
Show your BEST FRIEND in life how much you love them and do it often!

The heart keeps the body living but love keeps the soul living

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